How to move URLs by Drag & Drop

You can transfer URLs your results are referring to from the result list to other open programs or your desktop.

How it works:

1. In the result panel you see your result table
2. In case the BINGOOO screen is maximized, please change the view so that you can also see the program or desktop you want to transfer a certain URL to.
3. Move your mouse-pointer to the result line with the URL you want to transfer.
4. Keep the left mouse-button pressed down. Now drag it in the program or on the desktop. The appearance of the mouse-pointer will change as soon as you leave the BINGOOO surface.
5. When you have dragged the URL onto your desktop, a symbol will appear. By a double-click on that symbol you can open the respective website in an external browser. When you have dragged the URL to another program (e.g. Excel) you will see the complete link there now.